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Coding For Kids: 5 Reasons Why Every Singaporean Kid Should Learn to Code

Coding For Kids: 5 Reasons Why Every Singaporean Kid Should Learn to Code

Coding For Kids: 5 Reasons Why Every Singaporean Kid Should Learn to Code


Coding for kids have become a growing area of interest for educators and parents (like yourself!) worldwide – all keen to ensure that the upcoming generation of kids are equipped with skills to thrive in the future economy.

Before you dismiss the hype and think that “My kid doesn’t want to be a programmer or be in IT so coding isn’t something they need to learn now”, why not read on to learn about some of the top reasons why not just your kid, but every Singaporean kid should get the chance to learn to code!

After all, even the Singapore government recognizing the importance of learning coding from young, has started to incorporate coding into the curriculum by introducing a 10-hour mandatory coding course for upper primary students.


Reasons Why Every Singaporean Kid Should Learn to Code


Prepares Them for The Workforce of The Future

Have you noticed that our day to day lives are getting increasingly intertwined with technology? From the digitalization of banking services, prevalence of mobile apps for everything from e-commerce to controlling your smart home and more, the tech industry market is booming and unlikely to stop.

Globally, the tech market is already worth US $1.6 trillion dollars, and continuing to grow at huge rates. Domestically, the information & communications sector is the rare few that have been experiencing up to 10% year on year growth amidst COVID times. Not to mention that it is also one of the 5 highest paying sectors in Singapore.

The trend is clear – the future of the workforce lies in technology. Even in non-technological roles, having a grasp of basic programming & coding skills will increase one’s competitiveness as an employee.

Want to give your child a head start in the workforce of the future? Make sure they have a good coding foundation from young.


Improves Logic Building and Mathematics

Think that futureproofing is too long-term a benefit? Here’s an immediate short-term benefit that coding offers too – improving your child’s logical reasoning and mathematical skills.

Coding, in simple terms, is like a language that enables us to talk to the computer and provide instructions to achieve a specific task.

Being able to think and plan ahead for actions and reactions required for the code, and providing clear step by step instructions that build on from the previous, helps to train logical reasoning and thinking.

On top of that, these instructions tend to require the application of mathematical concepts from simple ones like addition, subtraction, multiplication to more complex ones like linear algebra, calculus, and algorithmic functions.

Sounds boring? But when taught in a fun way, usually through games for children like Roblox or Minecraft, it helps children to enjoy the process of learning and applying mathematical concepts confidently over time, all while enjoying their favorite games.


Helps Develop Problem Solving Attitude

In coding, there are many steps before reaching a completed solution. As such, in the process, children who are learning to code for the first time get to experience and learn how to solve a problem by themselves:

  • Planning how to get from the starting point to their goal
  • Brainstorming for potential solutions – which is the easiest to achieve, least downsides etc.
  • Breaking down the solution into tiny steps or tasks
  • Testing the code along the way to catch errors
  • Debugging – designing tests to identifying any potential problems and removing them

In day-to-day life, it is rare that children have the opportunity to problem solve for themselves. Many a times, as parents, we tend to problem solve on their behalf. That is why coding lessons are a great and safe opportunity for children to learn how to figure out what works and what does not, and along the way develop a positive problem-solving attitude that is easily transferable in every aspect of their lives.


Expands Creativity

The sky is the limit in the digital world and coding helps children bridge the gap between their imagination and what they can create with a simple computer program.

Instead of being passive consumers of media and games online, coding empowers children to become active participants in the digital platforms they enjoy!

Here are some creative coding projects children get up to:

  • Minecraft: Children can design and program their unique Minecraft characters to do certain tasks in the game
  • Scratch: Creating their very own version of the Google logo and bring it to life
  • Hotwheels: Use code to instruct their Hotwheels car to move from one position to the next without external interference
  • Create their very own game with characters and gameplay etc.


Builds Resilience

While coding for children is easy enough for beginners to grasp, they may soon reach a level where there is sufficient complexity that solutions may no longer be so straightforward. In fact, for more complicated programs, it may take multiple attempts before you can see a possible solution.

In order to achieve the ideal solution, they will have to go through rounds of trial and error, debugging and more. And inevitably in this process, they will learn resilience and train their patience so that that no matter how hard the problem is, they will keep trying to solve it.


Keen on Trying Out Coding Classes for Kids in Singapore?

Find the reasons to get your child started on coding classes compelling? Get started today!

Looking for classes for your kid to learn coding in Singapore? Don’t forget to check out our list of comprehensive Singapore coding schools on (a dedicated search portal for enrichment classes in Singapore).

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